Battery Checks

Australia is now in its autumn season and this means that weather is getting colder most especially here in the Southern parts. In Victoria, we usually experience extreme weather change within a 24-hour period.

As such, motorists must keep in mind to always check their vehicle battery to avoid hassle during morning and evening rush hours. This will save a lot of time especially when we are on our way to work or important meetings.

So how can we ensure that batteries are in good conditions? Below are simple tips that a driver can do to maintain his vehicle battery:

  1. Park your vehicle in your garage

At colder temperatures, the battery’s ability to provide sufficient power to start and run a vehicle is diminished. Therefore, keep in mind to park your vehicles in your garage to help protect your battery. If you don’t have a garage, ensure you park the front of your car away from the main direction of the wind.

  1. Do not turn on your vehicle accessories immediately

On a colder day/night, it may be our habit to turn on the heater, lights, dvd player, radio immediately after we get in our vehicle. Instead, pause and wait for a while, about 3 to 5 minutes (depends on battery condition). Let the alternator charge the battery before placing any demand on it.

  1. Unplug accessories when you turn off your vehicle

Always unplug accessories (e.g. mobile chargers, GPS devices, DVD player, radio) and turn off lights when your vehicle is turned off. Remember that each time you turn your ignition, power from the battery goes to your motor to get things started, but power is also sent to various system you may have left on when you last drove. On a cold day, these accessories when in use make battery’s life drained even faster.

  1. Check battery terminals

Periodically check your battery terminal connections. Ensure that it is securely attached and clean so it will maintain its peak performance. Check for signs of corrosion or leakage (white powder around the terminal) as this may mean that your battery may no longer be operating as well as it should. If there are corrosion from the battery terminals, scrub it with water mixed with baking soda.

  1. For short distance travel – Rev your car when you get home

Short distance travel is one reason why vehicle battery does not last longer. The alternator needs time to recharge the battery after it  has been started which mean an increase driving time is needed to allow this to happen. Short distance travel with lots of starts and stops don’t allow time for your battery to fully recover. So if you are driving short distance, make sure that when you reach home, do not immediately turn off your vehicle. Instead, park and let the engine on and rev for at least 2 minutes. This will help your battery to recharge and recover.

  1. Check the age of your vehicle battery

Know the age of your battery. If it is nearly 3 years old it means that it is nearing the end of its life.

  1. Before winter, let your Mechanic check your battery

Before it hits winter, make sure that you let your mechanic check your battery to ensure that it can perform at its required level. Otherwise, better to replace to avoid a dead battery and be stranded on a cold night.